Why a Chiropractor Might be the Best Bet for better Range of Motion

Why a Chiropractor Might be the Best Bet for better Range of Motion

Why a Chiropractor Might be the Best Bet for better Range of Motion

After a surgery, or even due to a myriad of medical issues, you may start to feel your range of motion decline. A range of motion is how much you are able to move a joint before it become incredibly painful. This goes from when a muscle is fully flexed to when a muscle is fully extended. 

This can prevent you from being able to do day to day activities, up to and including certain jobs. So this not only lowers your quality of life, but it can also put a strain on your financials and lower productivity over time.

What can cause a range of motion issues 

The most common cause of this is an injury. For instance, fractures, dislocations, inflammations, and arthritis can prevent you from being able to move your arm. There are many causes, and the most notable cures for them is mainly rest and surgery. However, in some instances, you should be able to increase your range of motion by utilising chiropractic care. 

How can a chiropractor in Peterborough help you to get a higher range of motion? 

Chiropractors are good at many things, and one of the main ones having to do with bones and joints. What they do is to measure your current range, and then use that as a baseline. Any improvements are measured based on that baseline. 

This is measured by using either a goniometer or an inclinometer. Through constant flexing and training of the muscles, as well as massaging of the muscles, a chiropractor can eventually increase the range of motion in your joints. This can reduce pain over time, and even can help people who are suffering from arthritis.   

Why a Chiropractor Might be the Best Bet for better Range of Motion